Gender Pay Gap 2022

Gender Pay Gap reporting compares the average pay for all men and all women in Kainos. It produces a calculation, the Gender Pay Gap, which reflects any difference between the total pay of all men and all of women in Kainos.

In the 2021–22 period, our Gender Pay Gap is 16.7%.

Our statutory requirement is only to report on Gender Pay Gap for UK-based employees. That is the information that we submit via the UK government Gender Pay Gap Service. We think it is more useful to consider everybody who is employed at Kainos, so this report uses the data for all colleagues in all countries.

It's important to stress that having a gender pay gap does not mean that we pay people differently for the same role based on their gender. That's pay equity, and at Kainos we pay people equitably when they are doing the same job, regardless of gender or any other factor.

We audit this data annually to ensure we identify, investigate and correct any anomalies. We also audit across all available diversity data.

At Kainos, our Gender Pay Gap is really driven by the gender imbalance across our workforce, and an under-representation of women at senior levels. Our Gender Pay Gap will be zero when we have an equal split between men and women in Kainos and across all levels. That's why our Gender Parity Plan is important.

In the 2021–22 period, women represented 34% of our total workforce - with a lower proportion of women at senior levels. There is a more detailed assessment of our Gender Pay Gap below.

Our Gender Pay Gap reporting focuses only on employees, so contract staff are excluded from this report.

"There is more progress ahead of us. Our goal is to achieve gender parity by nurturing women into leadership positions, discovering creative ways to enhance female representation across Kainos and ensuring pay equity for all colleagues. These endeavours are the driving force behind our efforts to close the gender pay gap."

Colette Kidd
Chief People Officer

The breakdown

To close the gender pay gap, we must increase the proportion of women in Kainos. Right now, we have a larger proportion of men in our workforce and at senior levels. 

Men, Women, Hourly Pay Gap and Bonus Pay Gap percentages from 2017 to 2022:

  Men Women Hourly Pay Gap Bonus Pay Gap
2022 65.9% 34.1% 16.7% 35.1%
2021 69.20% 30.40% 18.2% 45.8%
2020 67.70% 32.20% 18.9% 44.6%
2019 42.9% 29.70% 29.70% 42.9%
2018 72% 28% 12.5% 50.4%
2017 71.9% 28.10% 14.7% 31.3%


In the 2021-22 period:

Women held 23% of senior management positions in 2021-22 (compared to 20% in 2020-21). During 2021–22, the proportion of women in Kainos increased to 34% (compared to 30.4% in 2020-21). Our aim is to increase the proportion of women to 38% by 2025.

In the 2021-22 reporting period, we saw a decrease in our gender hourly pay gap to 16.7% (compared to 18.2% in 2020-21) and a decrease in our gender bonus pay gap to 35.1% (compared to 45.8% in 2020-21).

The ‘median’ figures shown in this table take all the salaries for women in order from lowest to highest and compares the mid-point salary against the mid-point for men. The same is done for bonus.

Our Gender Pay Gap data for the period 2021-2022 shows:

  • We must persist with our efforts to tackle the under-representation of women across Kainos, particularly in technical roles.
  • We need to prioritise the advancement of women into senior positions to close the gender pay gap.

“An important foundation in a truly diverse culture is the creation of an environment where our colleagues feel safe to share all their diversity characteristics. We continue to record high levels of disclosure of this critical information, which enables us to celebrate the progress we have made, but also identify the areas where further improvement is needed. We remain committed to ensuring that our workplace reflects the diversity that we champion.”

Brendan Mooney
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)