Preparing For The Future of Education
Workday Adaptive Planning streamlines institutional financial planning and reporting processes. Be financially prepared for rising tuition costs, federal accountability, fluctuating enrollments, and funding sources.
Align enrollment data with financial reporting and planning data to foster a more collaborative culture
Unify financial and student data into a singular, reliable source, eradicating manual spreadsheets prone to errors. Empower users with real-time access to financial reporting data influenced by varying enrollment figures. Implement multiple financial models that enhance the ability to forecast tuition and fee-based revenue effortlessly, accounting for global or localized assumptions and trends.
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Generate visibility into income and expenses over the life of a grant or donation.
Develop expenditure plans tailored to each fund. Evaluate the financial implications of installment payments on budgets and forecasts throughout the grant's duration. Enhance visibility into your entire research portfolio, positioning your organization for increased competitiveness in securing future grants and contracts.
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